It's been a while huh... well, Ys is going back in 3 days and will be going into the army in 44 days. I can't see him enlist in army and i can't make it for his poly graduation as well, it really sucks not being there for these major milestones in his life. *deep sigh* But at least for the past week or so i've been treating him like a little maid-prince e.g. i ask him to clean this or that, take water for me, operate the washing machine etc. like a personal Garçon (disclaimer: it's not as bad as this may read to be) however, i've been spoiling him by accepting his request on anything he wants thankfully he doesn't want much and one certain item may be pricey but i guess i have to let him get what he wants before he's confined for the next 2 YEARS of his life.
I know, i know you may be thinking "Hello! apple, it's not like he's going to Jail or a home. Why you buy him and treat him like a maid?" well no.1 i buy him things he wants because i want him to be happy and take it with him along with the good memories we had, so he can look at the item and it'll be like an empowering thing when he's going through tough times no.2 i want him to know that i bought it for him and it's a "piece of me" with him. no.3 i make him do chores because (i'm a little lazy) and i'm preparing him for the army alright, definitely not being a bitch! back in SG, his mom does the household chores all he does or what i've seen him do is hang the clothes to dry and wash dishes. Yes yes, you know that i know I'm a good girl friend like that. (; [sarcasm for those who don't know]
Dear Yisheng,
Time flies from when we were young silly students in love to a somewhat young older still silly teen-dults in love. You'll be fine in there just kiang jiu hou mai gei kiang (hokkien slang for just do what's enough don't over do it) ok? I'll definitely miss you, your farts and your beautiful hair. Please grow it back after army so gay men will hit on you and older men think you're my girl-friend. HAHA. Thank you for spending time and what money you saved to come here, i can't describe how grateful i am eventhough i don't act like it. I love you no matter with hair or no hair.
Signing off

Apple your bollywood chinzilla <3
I know, i know you may be thinking "Hello! apple, it's not like he's going to Jail or a home. Why you buy him and treat him like a maid?" well no.1 i buy him things he wants because i want him to be happy and take it with him along with the good memories we had, so he can look at the item and it'll be like an empowering thing when he's going through tough times no.2 i want him to know that i bought it for him and it's a "piece of me" with him. no.3 i make him do chores because (i'm a little lazy) and i'm preparing him for the army alright, definitely not being a bitch! back in SG, his mom does the household chores all he does or what i've seen him do is hang the clothes to dry and wash dishes. Yes yes, you know that i know I'm a good girl friend like that. (; [sarcasm for those who don't know]
Dear Yisheng,
Time flies from when we were young silly students in love to a somewhat young older still silly teen-dults in love. You'll be fine in there just kiang jiu hou mai gei kiang (hokkien slang for just do what's enough don't over do it) ok? I'll definitely miss you, your farts and your beautiful hair. Please grow it back after army so gay men will hit on you and older men think you're my girl-friend. HAHA. Thank you for spending time and what money you saved to come here, i can't describe how grateful i am eventhough i don't act like it. I love you no matter with hair or no hair.
Signing off

Apple your bollywood chinzilla <3