10:03Disclaimer: "High standards" depends on each individual, not mine. Also, not talking about anyone just people who fall in this category.
While having a conversation with friends yesterday they mentioned about having high standards when looking for a partner thus, why one is not able to obtain a better half. However I beg to differ, having high standards or more like hoping/wishing that your better half has high standards is not the reason why you can't seem to find your better half. Look around you, everyone you know wants to earn more money, it's human nature to want the bigger slice of the cake, nothing wrong with that. The issue lies with yourself.
The person you want may be the standard you're looking for but, are you of that standard yourself? You might think "so?" Opposite attract, the ying to my yang, peanut butter and jelly. But to have opposites attract you have to start with the same foundation, values etc. Example, different poles of a magnet attract and the same poles repel but what is the base of magnets? Metal, magnetic metal. If you insist on opposites attract, then try a piece of magnet and a piece of plastic do they attract? No.
Humans are like clay every time new things are added to grow/expand and we do the things what we're taught, in this example, mould. Like how you have some characteristics of your parents because you were brought up and taught by them. If you want someone of what your ideal standards are, why not try improving yourself, or doing something you wish for the other person to do, baby steps in becoming that standard as well. You may think you're there but in most cases, you're not; so ask.
Ok, now you might say "if a person wants to be with me they should love me for who I am." Sure, then don't complain when he doesn't do all the things romantics dramas do or things your ideal men would've done because you're not doing it either. How do you want someone to learn when they have no example to follow except unrealistic ones. Boys-Men in general when they're in a relationship pretty much comply to their girlfriends every/most wimp perhaps not all, but i'm pretty sure like 70% or more does. And us, girls-ladies-butch? are quite the roller coaster I can't describe how, but we are.
So, don't whine about how you can't find the perfect guy/girl because actions are louder than words and what goes around comes around, how you treat people/yourself is what you think you deserve, people will notice that and follow. Try to be a better self.
Hey, If it makes you feel better, i fall right into this very category; you live and you learn.